Benefits with biometric access card
Biometrics are biological measurements — or physical characteristics —that can be used to identify individuals. For example, fingerprint mapping, facial recognition, and retina scans are all forms of biometric technology, but these are just the most recognized options. Biometrics is the most rapidly growing way to verify identity for both physical and cybersecurity systems. However, although biometric authentication is convenient, privacy advocates fear that biometric security erodes personal privacy. The concern is that personal data could be collected easily and without consent. That risk is similar to that of a password database, in which hackers may breach the system and steal data that’s not effectively secured. The ramifications, however, are significantly different. If a password is compromised, it can be changed. Biometric data, in contract, remains the same forever. FUSE recommend including biometrics as part of a two-factor authentication strategy to replace usernames, password and PIN codes. In all of FUSE’s products the biometric data is stored in the user’s personal device. Unlike traditional biometric systems these is no central database of the user’s personal information, making unauthorized access extremely difficult and unprofitable.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas. The GDPR's primary aim is to give control to individuals over their personal data including biometrics. The Fuse Identities biometric credential solution satisfies all the criteria of GDPR. The Fuse Identity credential holder is in complete control of any personal information that is used in the identification of the credential holder. It is in a way the same as holding a facial or fingerprint biometric template on a mobile phone. The Fuse Identity credential is loaded with the information and the Fuse Identity credential stays with that person – it is not stored on a remote data base anywhere.
The right Access Control system powerfully enhance not just your buildings security and efficiency, but also strengthen hygiene across your business and properties. Fuse Identities’ biometric and contactless technology makes accessing and visiting workplaces more hygienic. With the Fuse Identities solution, you have the authentication followed by the biometric authentication – no need for community touch points such as keypads for secure two-factor authentication. Modern access technology already controls access and secures staff and visitors, while cost-effectively regulating equipment and monitoring who is within your premises. This is done by defining zones of access, privileges for groups or even specific individuals, for certain times of day or any combination of these. Modern, centralized systems support fast, flexible policy changes and detailed reporting on accessed zones, used devices and supplies.